Friday 28 October 2011

The Fans


First up as Friday Fan(tastic) is a man with 30 years of hurt in his pockets. A season ticket holder, known to many as a DJ and photographer. After a quick look at his website we wanna get married. In a kilt. That being said we asked the life long fan som questions...

Name: Jonathan Kenyon
Twitter: @redface77

1. If you where the boss of the entire North End empire, what would be different?
A: I would get Hemming to financially back the club instead of just keeping us afloat, if this had been done under Davies we wouldn't be in the situation we are in now. And also get tangerine urinals at Deepdale.

2. What Norwegian(s) would you bring to the club?
A: Bring Bjarki Gunnlaugsson back!! No, thats a joke. (NBblog: he`s Islandic though but we`re pretty much the same. Only differences between us are financial security and a couple of vulcanoes.)
3. Who deserves a good old beating?
A: Huddersfield, after attending the game there last saturday I really thought we'd end their 38 game run but we never even turned up. I hope we knock them for six at Deepdale next April.

4. If possible who would we play every saturday?
A: We would play the donkeys, and destroy them week in week out!

5. What Preston player would you bring to Svalbard? (island of the coast of Northern Norway with Polarbears and pretty damn low temperature)
A: Iain Hume. Because he's absolutely nails! Also if he has the same determination to survive as he has on the pitch every week, we'd be safe as houses!

We appreciate you taking the time to answer our questions mate! Visit his website here. The rest of ya`ll - have a good weekend! Get drunk have fun and fornicate but don`t forget to cheer for the mighty whites tomorrow. COYW!!